Space Liner Association (SLA)
Business Plan for FY2021 (Draft)

To achieve the objectives set forth in the charter of the Association and to improve the environment for the early emergence of private sector stakeholders, the following projects will be carried out in FY2021.

(1) Establishment of a secretariat and an implementation system within the Association to enable the activities of the SLA

(2) Activities for determining future scenarios and goals for the space passenger transportation industry, analyzing markets, and identifying issues

(3) Establishment of a system and framework for private sector-led manned space transportation, support from the government for private sector projects, and the establishment of a new relationship between the government and the private sector

(4) Research and study to identify issues and set goals for research and development of innovative technologies to realize the transportation system required by the market

(5) To accelerate the realization of space passenger transportation, disseminate the activities of the Association to the public, and exchange information and collaborate with related organizations in Japan and overseas.

(6) Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Association.